Services offered at Foothills Eye Clinic

What to expect

At Foothills Eye Clinic we are dedicated to giving you high-quality and comprehensive care. Your Eye health is very important to us. We offer a variety of services for your convenience. You can expect standard appointments to take 30-40 minutes.

We will start by running a few tests to get a baseline of your optical health

  • This is one of the most important diagnostic tools we use. We use the camera to examine your nerve health, vascular conditions, retinal health, scarring, trauma, signs of diabetes, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, glaucoma, macular degeneration, melanoma, along with many other conditions. It is important to get a baseline health check to monitor possible changes each year.

  • While simply viewing an image, the tool is measuring your approximate prescription including astigmatism, and curvature of your corneas for a better contact fit and monitoring progressive changes.

  • While most people don’t like a puff of air in their eyes this tool is important to measure the pressure in your eyes. High pressure can indicate conditions such as glaucoma while low pressure can indicate an infection or an injury.


Once we got the baseline of your eye health measured, you will move on to a more comprehensive eye exam performed by Dr. Vincent, O.D, who will make sure your eyes are as healthy as they can be. If you have any concerns, this is the time to discuss it. Our goal is to provide you with the best care possible and Dr. Vincent, O.D, does not pressure you into purchasing glasses you might not need.

Optometrist Evergreen Services Comprehensive eye exam

Comprehensive Eye Exam

Many common eye diseases develop asymptomatically. We recommend you visit an eye doctor every year to assess your vision. We ensure any prescription lenses you are wearing are up to date, test how your eyes work together, and importantly, check the health of your eyes. When we detect an ocular disease at an early stage, we have the best chance of managing it and protecting you against vision loss. Even if you aren’t having any vision problems, it’s a good idea to visit the eye doctor as a preventative measure.

Optometrist Evergreen Services DMV forms


The doctor has updated DMV forms and will perform the necessary tests to fill out the forms for no extra charge as part of a comprehensive eye exam.

Optometrist Evergreen Services contact lens exams

Contact Lenses

Whether you have dry eyes, near vision problems, distant vision problems, astigmatism, dusty environment, or eye sensitivity, we can help you find the lens that is comfortable to wear and accurately corrects your vision. A contact lens eye exam involves additional measurements that help determine the shape of your eye’s surface which will help determine what type of contact lens fits your eyes. If you suffer from astigmatism, need multifocal, or want monovision, we have a contact lens solution for you.

If you cannot wear regular contact lenses, talk to the doctor about your concerns. More than not, there are solutions for hard-to-fit contacts-wearers that just might surprise you.

Brian provides you with training on how to correctly insert the contact into your eye and remove them safely if this is your first time.

We know some of you travel a long distance to see us, Brian does not have you come back for unnecessary follow-up appointments and keeps a stock of a wide selection of contacts.

Optometrist Evergreen Services nearsighted myopia exam


Also known as myopia makes it difficult to see objects at a distance. You can experience blurry vision, headaches, difficulty seeing while driving, especially at night, and you might feel like you need to squint to see better.

Nearsightedness is easily corrected with glasses or contact lenses. That’s not the only reason to see an optometrist for your myopia. Left untreated, progressive and high myopia can increase the risk of retinal tears, detachments, and possibly glaucoma. Getting a baseline retinal image and monitoring the symptoms from year to year can help prevent further damage and catch any problems that might arise early.

Optometrist Evergreen Services dry eye therapy

Dry Eye Therapy

Living in a dry climate can give you dry eye syndrome. Tears are essential for maintaining your eye health as they lubricate and nourish your cornea, wash away dirt, and help you see better. Once the tears aren’t doing their job, you develop dry eyes.

Anyone with dry eyes knows how irritating and uncomfortable they can be. You might experience symptoms such as:

 -          Red eyes

-          Stinging, scratching, or burning eyes

-          Light sensitivity

-          Watery eyes

-          Stringy mucus near the eye

-          Blurry vision

Some of the causes of dry eyes are:

-          A dry climate

-          Persistent allergies

-          Medication usage

-          Meibomian gland dysfunction

-          Working long hours in front of a computer screen


If left untreated, dry eyes can lead to infection, inflammation, and corneal ulcers. As horrific as these sound, dry eyes are easily treatable. Foothills eye clinic offers a variety of treatment options. Talk to the doctor about your options and what works best for you.

Optometrist Evergreen Services LASIK Consultation

LASIK Consultation

Having had LASIK himself, Brian is an excellent consultant if you are considering having LASIK surgery. During the consultation, you will have a comprehensive eye exam where your overall ocular health is assessed. He will go over expectations for surgical outcomes, risks, and benefits. Foothills Eye Clinic is not a surgery center, however, Brian, is certified to provide pre-op and post-op as needed.  


If you decide to go ahead with your surgery, Brian, is happy to see you for your follow-up appointments to see how your eyes are healing and check for any complications. Depending on how you are healing, recommendations will be made on when you can go back to all your day-to-day activities.

Optometrist Evergreen Services Medical exam for diabetes


At Foothills Eye Clinic your health is of the utmost importance to us. We provide a comprehensive opportunity to treat and diagnose vision problems caused by medical conditions such as:

-          Diabetes

-          High blood pressure

-          Glaucoma

-          Stye

-          Pink Eye

-          Conjunctivitis

-          Cataracts

Optometrist Evergreen Services Emergency eye care

Emergency Eye Care

At Foothills Eye Clinic we provide quick care to help preserve your vision in case of an emergency. Once an emergency arises it is imperative that you act quickly and see us immediately. If we can’t treat you, we will refer you to a specialist that can. Examples of eye emergencies:

-          Trauma to the eye

-          Corneal scratches

-          Foreign object on the eye

-          Flashes and floaters